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Aim To Encourage Women To Do On This Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
- by Shital
- on November 7, 2024
This entire October is your preparation period to fall in love with women’s community-engaged health awareness, it’s now to take a proactive attitude since it can help women’s health gracefully and let women embrace such things that could promote their survival chances.
Breast cancer isn’t typically seen in younger women. But, approximately 5,000 women under 45 are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the UK.
Being you have been told of breast cancer can be a shocking moment in life that turns your melancholic depression into make you unrelenting feelings of loneliness, especially at a young age.
Consequently, so, this Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2024 has given a chance for better survivor rates and loved ones to celebrate unity and raise awareness about the significance of investigation, early detection, early treatment, secondary prevention and interventions.
It’s also a significant month to galvanise action to join with average urban women, suburban, small town, rural, and community-centric UK populace could have led the awareness-intensive disease front and centre of collaborative engagement.
In 2024, over 360,000 people have been diagnosed with breast cancer. There is hope that upgrades in early detection methods, such as the Koning breast CT 3D isotopic image breast cancer screening machine can improve survival rates.
When breast cancer is caught early and remains localised, there could be a 5-year relative survival rate is 99%.
Taking action is vital for early detection:
Your bold action is the only key to making early detection accessible for all. Eurnoxx Medical Group has introduced the innovative “Koning Breast CT – breast cancer screening machine” can help in the fight against breast cancer (BC) or prevent breast cancer-induced disasters.
The earlier we act, the better our health outcomes from BC—so don’t hesitate to “Get screened today”.
The new therapeutic window of radiation treatment!
Dr Penny Kechagioglou – Clinical Oncologist Chief Clinical Strategy Officer from ICON Cancer Centre UK, has explained – the therapeutic window of radiation treatment has the ability of radiosensitizers, as they come in the form of chemicals or pharmaceutical agents, that can intensify the killing of tumour cells, which has been achieved through the acceleration of DNA damage and indirectly generating free radicals.
The significance of personalised treatment approaches, such as Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) can minimise the radiation dose to the organs’ surrounding tissues of the tumour and this partial breast radiotherapy targets the localised tumour without sparing some normal tissue – that improves the patient’s outcomes.
Get women educated through community-based breast cancer screening workshops!
This October, let’s come together to raise awareness about breast cancer prevention. “Get Screened!” is our ‘RALLYING CRY’ to remind women of their strength and the need for regular screenings to protect their health.
“You charm everyone, and no one shall stop you from getting confident and stronger women.”
Breast Cancer Awareness Month offers a chance for everyone to engage in events that educate through community-based breast cancer screening workshops and spread awareness about this disease.
If you know someone fighting breast cancer, make October “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” the month you support them and make your patient advocacy journey with a significant move towards the sheer joy of lowering breast cancer incidence in the UK.
We Urge Support on Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
By far – too many people don’t know the primary possible symptoms, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is for ideal space to build awareness and give a sweet gesture among women for their presence, we might not lose any of our UK citizens from Breast cancer — alone this year—almost entirely to Metastatic breast cancer awareness month. We urge support to fund more research to save women’s lives and reform breast cancer outcomes.
Focus on building confidence over awareness!
Today, let’s talk about the amazing “Breast Cancer 2024 Symposium” event, where we gather in the heart of the UK at the London International Medical School with our honoured partner, Koning Corporation from the USA.
We’ve had around 260 participants, including researchers, sponsored USA-based speakers, NHS medical professionals, breast oncologists and surgeons, radiologists, patient advocates, BC survivors, online attendees, etc. all come across the “Under one roof” cooperative thought-provoking approach to share insights and future treatment outcomes on breast cancer prevention, early detection, and management.
When tough times come, you may suffer commonly to feel a mix of emotions such as isolation, anxiety, fear, and anger. Life is tough, my darling, you so be tougher.
But remember, life may throw challenges our way, yet we need to be resilient. Everyone copes differently and may experience these pressure feelings at various stages of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Breast Cancer Incidence is Declining – But Aim To Be Far Fewer:
Did you know, that breast cancer is diagnosed among one woman every 10 minutes, and a man faces this reality each day? If we fail to progress, then by 2040, a woman will be diagnosed every 8 minutes.
Routine screening only has prevented the annual breast cancer death rates of approximately 1,300 women in the UK. It’s a cheer-up moment to see improved survival rates today, in the early 1990s, 1 in 20 people tried to fight off the disease. Today, we are only 1 in 7.
Why To Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
This is held globally each October, this campaign aims to apparently raise awareness-building initiatives and the primary importance of screening can lead to early diagnosis and prevention for the 2.3 million women affected worldwide.
Many NGOs execute a recognisable pink theme, and this month hosts various initiatives by many organizations and non-governmental charitable foundations to conduct tee parties, and street runs for fitness events, celebrity endorsement campaigns, and local folk musical events.
Although, it simply supports patients, educates them on risk factors, advocates regular screenings at age of 40>, and fundraising for BC research.
The most proactive measure you can take is to manage your own breast health:
Here is what you can change/alter your habits to help lower the risk of breast cancer:
- Manage your body weight: There is a significant inverse link between body size in early adulthood and the risk of premenopausal breast cancer. The research has shown us that >10–15 kg weight gain from adolescence or emerging adulthood can reduce the chance of developing premenopausal breast cancer, this has been an alert or established direct link to overweight and breast cancer risk. (Source)
- Build habits of your physical activity: Dr Anne McTiernan MD, PhD, Research Professor from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle and her colleagues conducted a study among 75000 women and found something surprising. Took in the loop among newly diagnosed 1780 breast cancer patients with 4.7 years follow-up duration, which signifies most women who had been added to regular fast-paced sports activity at age of 35, they had 14% less chance of breast cancer. (Source)
- Quit Smoking: Lynn Rosenberg & Deborah A Boggs’s studies proved that both active and passive smoking have been linked to a higher likelihood of developing breast cancer among premenopausal women. (Source)
- Quit Drinking: Moderate to heavy alcohol drinking increases the relative risk of breast cancer among women increased by 32% compared to those who do not drink at all. (Source)
- Watch your meal plan: The risk of breast cancer was significantly higher among both premenopausal and postmenopausal women, who consumed meat often. (Source)
- Consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially non-starchy vegetables and carotenoids rich foods, can lower the risk of breast cancer. (Source)
Give love to receive love – Your good act is a supreme virtue:
Whether you’re a healthcare professional, researcher, patient advocate, government campaigner or in a supporting role, this article will help you understand the current status of UK breast cancer incidents, and why to be involved in our journey of being free from the risk of breast cancer in the UK and how to be part of the solution to change for better breast cancer outcomes.
Your donation can help fund highly trained specialists in research initiatives that empower them to pioneer new ground and reshape medical approaches in breast cancer research. This ensures a long-lasting impact year-round. It’s our Breast Cancer Awareness Month Fundraising initiative and coheres us to support women today. We just start by setting up our online fundraising page and watch your initiative grow.
Supporting a Loved One with Breast Cancer!
It’s not easy finding the right words after learning about a loved one affected by a breast cancer diagnosis. As we hear this news, we emotionally break into tears and gloomy words can sometimes leave us feeling lost.
But in reality, what’s often needed most is simple yet proactive help: a friend who suffers from, even beyond, the initial shock. Do take the time to connect with a friend impacted by breast cancer – a shadow of a tear can make them rebuild their lives and future for changes.
Improve the odds of successful breast cancer treatment!
So raising awareness about breast cancer is extremely essential as early-stage cancerous breast lesion identifications and a breast screening machine can often identify the disease when it is most manageable.
If you share your own experiences or knowledge, it helps others to inspire and begin prioritising their regular screening for breast health with preventive measures from Koning breast CT for early detection and prevention.
Whether it’s through discussions with loved ones or on social media, your voice matters. This October – as Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2024, consider supporting us to know the value of breast cancer check machine “Koning breast CT” to ensure your charitable foundations can help women of the UK get breast screening to help catch breast abnormalities early.