Clinical Advantages

Koning Benefits:

Current Mammogram Techniques are Falling Short of Expectations. With Documented Limitations, it is absurd that more Steps havent been taken to Mitigate these Issues. The benefits of Koning Breast CT are evident; KBCT rotates 360 around the Breast Acquiring a True Isotropic 3D dataset in 7 seconds. For the First time in Breast Imaging History, KBCT has Introduced Co- Registration in Multiple Planes using TRUE 3D Volumetric Imaging

Current Mammogram Techniques are Falling Short of Expectations. With Documented Limitations, it is absurd that more Steps havent been taken to Mitigate these Issues. The benefits of Koning Breast CT are evident; KBCT rotates 360 around the Breast Acquiring a True Isotropic 3D dataset in 7 seconds.
For the First time in Breast Imaging History, KBCT has Introduced Co- Registration in Multiple Planes using TRUE 3D Volumetric Imaging

Other Benefits Include:

Current Limitations of FFDM And DBT

Patient Benefits


Breast Presented in Unhindered, Natural form Making for a More Comfortable and Accurate Exam Experience


Fast Scan Time of only 7 Seconds


Radiation is in Range of Diagnostic


No Extra Views Needed. Receive all Information with One Scan; High Quality Imaging Allows Patient to be Confident in the Results She Receives


With one Exposure, an Entire Breast Image is Acquired in Isoptropic 3D, allowing Potential Abnormalities to be Visualized without Additional Views


Small, Large, Dense, Implats (without Displacement views)


Better Chance to Find Lessions as Small as 2mm. This is especially Beneficial in Patients with Dense Tissue

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Koning Breast CT (KBCT) differs from traditional mammography in that it offers a true isotropic 3D imaging experience without the need for breast compression. Unlike mammograms, which can result in discomfort, KBCT scans the breast in its natural, uncompressed form, leading to a more comfortable and accurate examination. Additionally, KBCT provides a full 360-degree rotation around the breast, capturing a comprehensive dataset in just 7 seconds, which allows for a precise and reliable diagnosis.

Yes, the Koning Breast CT is safe. The radiation dose used during a KBCT scan is within the range of standard diagnosticmammograms.

This ensures that patients receive high-quality imaging while minimising exposure to radiation.

Patients benefit greatly from the Koning Breast CT as it eliminates the need for breast compression, resulting in a pain-free and more comfortable experience. The scan is also quick, taking only 7 seconds, and provides a full 3D image with no need for additional views. This ensures that potential abnormalities are visualised with greater accuracy, allowing for a confident diagnosis. Moreover, KBCT is effective for imaging all breast types, including small, large, dense breasts, and even those with implants.
Koning Breast CT offers superior diagnostic accuracy by providing high-quality isotropic 3D images that enable the visualisation of potential abnormalities without tissue overlap, which is a common limitation in traditional mammography. This is particularly beneficial for patients with dense breast tissue, where small lesions as tiny as 2mm can be detected with greater precision.

Yes, Koning Breast CT provides compelling economic benefits for healthcare providers. It allows for higher throughput with quicker scan times, leading to increased patient volume and improved efficiency. The KBCT system also replaces the need for multiple devices to perform biopsies, resulting in cost savings on capital equipment. Additionally, its small footprint requires minimal facility modification, making it a cost-effective solution for clinics and hospitals.

Koning Breast CT addresses several limitations of FFDM and DBT, such as the need for breast compression, which can exclude the chest wall and create compression artifacts. It also eliminates the ambiguity of distribution and measurement inaccuracies, providing a clear spatial representation of the region of interest (ROI). KBCT overcomes the difficulty in defining the extent of disease by offering true 3D volumetric imaging, ensuring a more comprehensive and accurate diagnosis

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