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Koning Vera Breast CT – A Revolutionary Breakthrough In Breast Imaging!

Ladies, let’s talk about a subject we all need to prioritise – our breast health. There’s an advancement in breast imaging that is poised to revolutionise the breast cancer screening process and boost clinicians’ effectiveness in detecting, diagnosing, and offering treatment plans for the disease. Koning Vera Breast CT 3D imaging is a game-changing technology that’s here to redefine the standard of breast care.

So, what’s the buzz all about?

During the breast scan, you’ll be asked to lie down on a comfortable table, facing downwards.
This Koning breast 3D imaging device then works its magic, rotating about your breast just once for merely seven seconds, while the other breast lies suspended in the open.
This ingenious design ensures that the detector surrounds your breast from every angle, and helps identify any cancerous tissue for early disease detection, diagnosis, intervention, and treatment.
Its advanced form of screening angles can take multiple pictures of your breast and evaluate your dense glandular breast tissue more accurately. This breast screening tool ensures a faster and more accurate way for early breast cancer detection.
The end result would be more patient-centric and successful outcomes. This breast screening medical device generates real isotopic 3D images that provide a high spatial resolution of your dense glandular breast tissues.
With this level of precision and accuracy, Koning Vera Breast CT assures that no hidden cancer lesions of your breast hide, and any lumps, dimplings, or discolouring changes of your breasts go unnoticed.

Average biopsy time of just approximately 15 minutes!

The most unique feature of Koning Breast CT’s FDA-approved scanning machine is its 3D biopsy capability, with an average biopsy time of just approximately 15 minutes.
This feature ensures that if further investigation is needed, the process is not only faster process but also incredibly accurate.
It’s all about providing you with a seamless and reliable diagnostic experience, without unnecessary delays or discomfort.
Now, let’s talk about the real benefits of Koning Vera Breast CT.
  • Affordable Breast Scanning Solution: So low cost per examination for breast imaging with high throughput.
  • Early detection: The Koning Breast 3D scanning machine can help detect breast cancer at early stages (stages 0 to 1), which is faster than mammogram screening. 
  • Easy Follow-Up of tumours: It can also help detect small tumours that are 4 mm or less in size.
  • Low-dose radiation: The Koning Breast 3D scanning machine uses low-dose radiation levels, so the chance of radiation-induced breast cancer is low for repeated screening.
  • Easy visualise and examine dense breast tissue: Its improved spatial resolution represents a significant breast examination opportunity for medical practitioners to visualise and examine breast tissue if any breast abnormalities are found and detect any early stages.
  • This medical device is key in ensuring that no breast abnormalities are overlooked for your breast health check.
An added advantage of Koning Vera Breast CT!
The device efficiently maps breast density distribution, which ensures clear visualisation of breast tissues. This ability is a game-changer as it aids in detecting microcalcification clusters, known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Early detection of such lesions is key to ensure timely intervention and effective treatment.
Most women at high risk must take a proactive approach to breast health, and give them the privilege to get early treatment plans and must go through comprehensive breast care experience.
Make your breasts’ health a top priority:
Koning Vera Breast CT is nothing short of feeling peaceful journey of breast screening with no compression experience and comprehensive care. Koning Vera Breast CT is an era-defining innovation that is focused on improving your breast health and well-being, a simpler & safer breast scan in the landscape of breast imaging procedures. 
Breast screening can be an anxious experience, but there is a better way. Koning Vera Breast CT – a game-changing innovation that prioritises your comfort and well-being.
This era-defining technology puts your needs first, offering a simpler and safer alternative to traditional breast imaging procedures.
While the experience may be more pleasant, your breast health is still the top priority. Let’s explore this transformative technology – your breasts’s health is a top priority.
Email us to inquire about the technology and arrange for installation in your healthcare setup.

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